For over 25 years, Atlas Audio Video & Communications continues to provide our residential & commercial clients with professional services that bring out the best in today's highly sophisticated systems while ensuring they are simple and easy to use.  We remain dedicated to meeting the needs and expectations of our clients.

As technology continues to develop rapidly, coupled with a wide variety of options available, how do you choose a company to design and install the latest technology or simply work with your existing equipment?  Our clients take comfort in knowing that we are CEDIA certified by the Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association. 

Smart energy management is an important factor in all of our designs & projects. 

GREEN FACT:  Did you know that a typical 3BR home powered by a Smart Energy Management system will eliminate more than 850 pounds of CO2 emissions in just 1 year!   (That's like not driving a car for a month!)

Let us take you from concept to completion in a style and budget to satisfy your individual needs.  We provide the system design, the equipment and the installation to your satisfaction and your budget.
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Smart Electronic Systems You Can Trust
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 FOR A CONSULTATION  or  MORE INFORMATION, give us call at   310.591.8156